I am presently working in a wonderful job and it offers more than most women would ever ask for. Job security, excellent Christian atmosphere, wonderful supportive people to work with, a sense of accomplishment most days, confidentiality and trust, even a decent pay scale and good hours. How could I ever want to leave this? I don't know but I feel this door closing after 18 years and I really am ready to move on to something else.
I have always known my spiritual gifts are in ministering and service to others. Older people, perhaps. Shut-ins in my neighborhood. Please pray that God will lead me to make the right decision about leaving and also where does He want me to go.
This morning I read Tracie's article and heard her say, "Put forth your hand" [Audio Devotional] before Jesus healed the man. Is God saying to me "Put forth your hand of faith? Step out and then I will bring you into the place I've prepared for you?"
Please pray that God will continue to reveal to me what He wants me to do, whether it is to stay in this ideal situation for awhile longer or complete the training of someone to take my place here so I can move on to the new ministry opportunities. Thank you for this opportunity to ask for prayer support and thank you for praying for me. I will wait to hear from you but I will also be searching for God's direction.
Read Girlfriends Mentor, Drewe Llyn's Response