Women's Mentoring

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We, at Girlfriends in Christ Ministries, desire to share, our own personal experiences along with Biblical truths to help you through your struggles, trials, fears, questions, and concerns.

Obtaining wisdom and guidance about whether I should move

I am a single Christian 25 year old girl who lives with her parents. I am wondering whether God wants me to move out. I had moved out before, to go live with my aunt, and my relationship with Christ thrived as a result. When I decided to come back home, something that was said devastated me, and I didn't get over it for a year. I went off to teach last year in July, and came back to WA in February of this year.

I have been really antsy, lately. Perhaps it's "just want to be married and have my own house" kind of blues that I'm struggling with, but my mom is older, and our house is full of stuff, and it's not as clean as I'd like. It discourages me and depresses me, because it just seems like my mother just doesn't care about whether her family lives in a neat and clean home. I have been wanting to move out, but am not sure if that's God's will or not. It seems that when I'm AWAYfrom my childhood home, I thrive. Also, I was always closer to my dad than my mom, growing up.

I have moved out of state, before, but I was on my own, and it didn't fare too well.

I have a chance to go be a part of a "discipleship community" down in Colorado, and live with other godly girls around my age. I went down to Colorado in August for a retreat, and maybe it was just me, but I felt this PEACE when I was there. I can't explain it. Am I supposed to go down there? I have no one to ask for advice about this sort of thing, either. Could someone please help me? I feel like God's been preparing my heart for something. I've been reading books, and it seems like He is leading me in a certain direction, however, it's hard to discern whether He wants me to move, or wants me to wait.

P.S. It's hard for me to find a job that I want to do, as well - how would you suggest I go about attaining necessary job skills, if say I want to be a receptionist, but don't have the training? What would you suggest?

Jessica, Washington

Read Girlfriends Mentor, Rebecca's Response

How to find a godly lady mentor

I feel really lost as a single Christian lady, because the things I want to learn from my mom, I don't think that I CAN learn them, because she doesn't seem to know how to do them, or even care about teaching them to me. (Things like cleaning, NURTURING that I never got, and just acceptance, love and communication as well as CONVERSATION.) This is bothering me to no end.

It's not like I haven't tried to ask people at my church if I can "learn" stuff from them. My pastor's wife said, "You need to have your mom teach you." I think I tried explaining to her that my mom seems to have no interest. It's like my mother ignores me.

I want to be married, and be emotionally healthy, whole, and be a godly FEMININE woman, someday, but where I live, and the church I go to, there's just no one to step into that "mother" or "mentor" role that I need. I don't know what to do. How I'm going to find a mentor to help guide me? If one of you ladies can help me, I'd really appreciate it.

Could I please ask another question? Why don't older Christian women follow the Titus 2 command that they are to teach the younger women? Ladies like me who are young, are floundering, as a result. Any help you can please give me would be great. Thank you.

Jessica, Washington