Women's Mentoring

Are you looking for answers? Ask a Girlfriend!

We, at Girlfriends in Christ Ministries, desire to share, our own personal experiences along with Biblical truths to help you through your struggles, trials, fears, questions, and concerns.

Stepping Out Into the Wilderness

My husband and I are stepping out in faith to do a ministry that the Lord has laid on our hearts. It is a work that began 6 years ago that we have done in tandem with a bi-vocational church. Now it is time to step out to do the ministry full time. No safety nets of a part-time salary or pastorium. We are presently seeking God's guidance for housing. That is the step that looms before us. We also need land for the ministry. Please pray that the Lord will show us where to lodge. My husband and I want God to receive all glory in this ministry. That there will be no doubt of His leadig and that it will be witness to many that watch.

Prayer for my daughter, Stephanie

My husband and I have been missionaries in Mexico for almost 32 years. Many think you give up a lot to be a missionary, but I can truthfully say, the only hard time I´ve had was when my children moved away. We have two (boy and girl) and both are married and live in the U.S.A.
One of the times it is hard to be far away is when they have health issues. Our daughter, Stephanie, was rushed to the hospital almost two months ago with loss of balance, a blinding headache, and nausea. A cat scan revealed a large cyst in the back of her head. An MRI showed it is an arachnoid cyst and it covers the entire back of her brain. We believe God still works miracles and we have been asking Him to shrink it or make it disappear. She has been under the care of a neurologist and neurosurgeon and last week another MRI was performed. She will see the neurosurgeon this Monday (May 1) to find out the results.

We request your prayers for Stephanie. She is a wife and mother of our first grandchild.

Prayer for my daughter

Please pray today for my daughter who is being judged on flute and voice in her jury performance at her college today. She is anxious and seems to have forgotten that God is with her (although I know that this is not true). Her success will help her with scholarships and give her the confidence that she needs since she is away from a mother that has always been there physically at each event. She is a college freshman.

I know that so many people have more serious issues but I think we should always go to God in whatever circumstance. Therefore I really appreciate your combined prayers now and at 1:30 EST today. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.

Thank you.

Update: I Need A Miracle From God

Original Prayer Request

Praise God!!

My sinus infection has cleared up and my ears are open for the first time since December 05.

There has been a miracle in my body and God did answer the prayer to my finances. Sometimes no answer is an answer. I thought that I would be in dire straits if I did not have a certain amount of money by Monday. The miracle was I did not get the money and everything is fine. I feel that God's answer to me was "Fear not I am in control" and that's exactly how my life is going. God is in control and directing my path.

I thank God for your website. You don't know what it means for someone to have a place to go where there is someone who wants to pray for them.

Be Blessed In Jesus Name!


Doctors say she needs surgery for scar tissue wrapping around her intestines causing blockages. Much, much pain, sees doctor Thursday at 10 am. I know God is able to heal this without her having to have surgery again. She had to have her entire colon removed 6 years ago due to crones disease. Please pray for her healing.

Thank you.